CP Kukreja Foundation for Design Excellence’ has been instrumental in nurturing and promoting design in India. Named after the renowned architect and founder, Mr. C.P. Kukreja, the Foundation provides a platform for aspiring designers, students and amateurs to unleash their creative potential and contribute to the field of design. The Foundation's primary objective is to create a conducive environment for design education, research, and innovation. It operates with the belief that design plays a crucial role in shaping the world around us, and therefore, fostering design excellence is essential for sustainable development and societal progress. Read More
The Foundation organizes various events, workshops, and seminars throughout the year to facilitate knowledge exchange and collaboration within the design community. These platforms provide students, educators, and professionals with opportunities to interact with industry experts, gain valuable insights, and stay updated with the latest trends and technologies in the field of design. Some of the recent initiatives include the ‘NASA’s CP Kukreja Design Trophy’ that motivated students to find solutions to re-imagine India’s urban spaces while keeping sustainable goals in mind. The trophy received a record-breaking 800+ entries in its first year of commencement, which was judged by more than 22 globally recognized jury members from across the world.
The Foundation created a break-through TV show called ‘Tale of two cities’, a one-of-a-kind initiative featuring a dialogue between urban planner and architect, Dikshu Kukreja and; Presidents, Prime Ministers and Mayors from around the globe. The show featured 8 international and 8 Indian cities paired based on their similitude whilst covering diverse topics such as culture, history, policies, urban planning, and future visions of the paired cities and embossing the value in sharing of knowledge.
The Foundation conceptualized and developed Deciphering Design with Dikshu, a talk series hosted on one of the country’s leading Media channels, NewsX, successfully driving design conversations to the mainstream. Through the 8-episode series, the Foundation focused on initiating engaging design discourse with leaders from varied sectors such as heritage, culinary arts, fashion, design, and entrepreneurship.
CP Kukreja Foundation for Design Excellence organizes various student competitions on Architecture Photography and Social Media Campaigns that invigorate a sense of healthy competition and provide a platform for students to showcase their skills and creativity. These competitions encourage students to explore different aspects of design and develop a deeper understanding of its significance in various fields. In addition to its educational and promotional activities, the CP Kukreja Foundation for Design Excellence actively engages with government bodies, industry associations, and other stakeholders to advocate for design-related policies and initiatives. It emphasizes the importance of incorporating design thinking and principles in urban planning, infrastructure development, and other sectors to create sustainable and inclusive environments. Read Less